Running in circles
It’s funny how life can change in the blink of an eye. With the holidays right around the corner and Christmas decorations are already up, the craziness begins. I wanted to share with you that a few weeks ago, I found out a friend had passed away from an unknown heart condition. She was a little bit older then me. I feel like I take really good care of myself. Stress and my type A personality is the only thing I’m worried about. I have had weird heart palpitations for the past two months. I’m not one to ignore anything health related and I’m probably a bit of a hypochondriac. I went to a Dr on Friday, and Saturday I took my kids camping this is one of my favorite things to do every year. I got really sick, almost passing out and we had to leave. I am now having my heart monitored, and go for the rest of my tests next week. What happens now? Why do we push ourselves, why is life so busy, why do we care about completing the mundane tasks? I do a lot, but trust me I don’t go to bed with the thoughts about how I am changing the world, because the reality of it is I’m not. But at the end of the day I feel accomplished and things are ready for the next day. But what if the next day never comes? Where is my happiness? Did I snuggle on the couch with my hubby or kids? Did I feel the sun on my face in the morning well I drank my coffee and listened to the birds? Did I pick up the phone and make time to tell someone I loved them? It’s possible……. but probably not. If I was gone that calendar & list would go with me. How can we slow down? Well I have tried to say no to a lot more things, I try to make easier meals or meal prep ( the kids don’t eat half the time anyways) I do try to smell the roses, laugh, and pray more. And yes recently I have even sat down in my own house! ( for those that have been around me it’s a rarity) I try not to stress about yesterday, what people are thinking, or what tomorrow might bring. I hope when you read this you take something or someone negative out of your life and add something or someone positive. The race is long but it’s only with yourself. Love, Jen Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Love Jennifer 💕
Christmas ❤️🎅🏼 Friends
The fall accessory you do not want this year. 🤪💗